How do I get rid of unwanted hair permanently from my body?
Hair may be removed permanently from the body by treatment with IPL or Laser.
How do IPL and Laser remove hair permanently?
Hair contains the pigment melanin which absorbs the energy given out by the laser. This energy is converted to heat energy which will destroy or damage the hair follicle. If the hair follicle is destroyed, the hair will never ever grow again. If the hair follicle is damaged, the hair will grow slower and the resulting hair will also be thinner, resulting in skin that has sparse, fine hair. IPL also works on the same principle, but is only recommended for light skinned people. The hair removal laser on the other hand, may be used on all skin tones.
Is treatment painful?
The Chelsea Clinic uses the Mydon long pulse Nd-YAG which has a built in cooling system. Treatments are comfortable and need not require any numbing cream except for the bikini line or if a “Brazilian” is done. The IPL used also has a built in cooling system which also makes treatment very comfortable.
How many treatments will I require?
As hair grows in cycles, a few treatments are needed for hair follicles to be destroyed. The number of treatments also depends on a few factors: the area treated, the texture of the hair and the colour of the hair and skin.
How often do I have to come for treatment?
Treatments are spaced a month apart.
What are the areas that can be treated?
Virtually any part of the body can be treated. The common requests that we get are underarm, upper lip, legs, bikini line and “Brazilian”.
Are there any precautions to take during hair removal treatment?
There are none except not to wax the area treated as all the hair follicles will be removed and the laser or IPL will not have any hair pigment to work on. During the course of treatment, shave if you wish to keep the area hair free, and shave the day before coming for treatment.
What results can I expect to see from Laser or IPL hair removal?
For a start, you will notice that you do not have to shave as often as the hair growth is slowed down. You will also notice that the hair that grows out is finer and the hair becomes sparser.
I have heard that new hairs may grow after laser/IPL treatment has stopped.
Why is this so if treatment is permanent?
The reason that new hairs appear is because hair grows in 3 stages. The hairs that grow out later may have been in the “sleeping” stage during the laser/IPL treatment. During that stage, there is no hair and no pigment so the laser is unable to affect the hair follicle. We recommend that once good clearance of hair has been obtained, to stop treatment and return in the future for another treatment when new hairs grow.
Are there any medical indications for laser/IPL hair removal?
One indication is ingrown hairs which can become infected. The laser is able to penetrate the skin and destroy the ingrown hair.

Intense pulse light, commonly known as IPL, is a treatment using light beams of different wavelengths to treat various skin conditions.
- Oily skin
- Acne
- Pigments
- Dull complexion
IPL Photo Rejuvenation
In photo rejuvenation, intense pulses of light penetrate the outer skin layers (epidermis). Pigmentation absorbs the light energy and breaks down into minute particles which are absorbed into the blood stream. The heat generated by IPL stimulates the lower skin layer (dermis) to lay down new collagen which plumps up the skin, smoothes out fine lines, helps with acne scarring and refines the pores.

Laser hair removal has been increasing in popularity as of late. When it comes to removing unwanted hair with a laser, you will find many different variations of Nd:YAG laser machines on the market. With the increase in technological advancements, some newer laser machine models are able to work on darker skin-toned individuals.
The Nd: YAG laser is a solid-state laser that emits high-energy light pulses that are extremely short and that have a specific wavelength. “Nd: YAG” is an abbreviation for neodymium doped laser with yttrium-aluminium garnet crystal. Upon irradiation of light onto the crystal, activation of the neodymium atoms is triggered, resulting in the emission of light pulses.
For inquiries about face, hair, eye, or body concerns—such as pigmentation, acne scars, hair thinning, dark circles, or cellulite—feel free to reach out. Submit your enquiry below, and our team will get back to you soon!