

Skin redness can have various causes, including dermatitis, heat rash, folliculitis, rosacea, psoriasis, and shingles. It often occurs when blood vessels dilate, bringing more blood to the surface as part of the body’s response to irritation, inflammation, or healing. Redness may appear as patches, flushing, or persistent discoloration, depending on the underlying condition. Management approaches vary based on the cause, ranging from topical treatments to medical interventions aimed at reducing inflammation and soothing the skin.


Gold Toning Laser

melasma, the chelsea clinic

Gold Toning Laser is a laser treatment that targets redness, post-inflammatory erythema (PIE), and vascular concerns by using a 532nm wavelength to address dilated blood vessels and inflammation. This process helps to improve overall skin tone and reduce visible redness.

In addition to redness, this treatment is sometimes used to address acne scars by promoting skin renewal. The procedure typically takes around 20 minutes and involves minimal downtime.

Maintaining skin health involves a combination of targeted treatments and an appropriate skincare routine. A professional consultation can help determine the underlying causes of skin redness and the most suitable management approach.

PDT (Photodynamic Therapy)

LED Light therapy, the chelsea clinic

Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure that uses different lights to treat different conditions of the skin. PDT helps to treat conditions such as acne, enlarged pores, wrinkles, and unsightly lesions caused by sebaceous hyperplasia.

The PDT tool emits different light in different colours which penetrate the different layers of the skin, “waking” it up.

Red is used for the regeneration of skin cells, promotes blood circulation, relieves acne scarring and pain, and activates the active ingredients in the skin. Blue is used to kill acne bacteria, inhibit sebaceous glands, calm allergic skin, and prevent wound infection. Green is used to put the skin into a good physical and mental state for a calming effect.

Yellow is used to effectively treat skin flush, as well as to relieve redness and swelling. Orange is used to penetrate deep into the skin to accelerate the metabolism of active tissue, decompose stains and improve fine lines. Purple is a combination of blue and red light that is used to improve skin that is affected by acne and acne scarring.


dual laser, the chelsea clinic

Dual Yellow Laser is a multi-wavelength laser treatment that targets and eliminates a range of skin conditions. This laser combines both yellow and green lights to work on most skin types. Most individuals use the Dual Yellow Laser to treat and prevent acne, treat melasma, pigmentation, and vascular lesions as well as brighten the skin.

Dual Yellow Laser treatment has little to no downtime. The Dual Yellow Laser can also be combined with other treatments to enhance and prolong results. However, it is recommended that skincare products that contain acidic properties should be avoided to allow your skin to repair.


skinboosters, the chelsea clinic

Non-surgical cosmetic procedures such as dermal fillers (hyaluronic acid fillers) and Skinboosters are used to address various skin concerns. Skinboosters contain hyaluronic acid, which deeply hydrates the skin while stimulating collagen production. This helps improve skin texture, reduce pore size, and provide anti-aging and skin-brightening benefits.

Skinboosters are injected using either a dermal injector gun or the traditional hand injection technique. Once injected, the hyaluronic acid attracts up to 1,000 times its weight in water, significantly enhancing the skin’s hydration levels. 

Skinboosters can help with conditions such as pigmentation, melasma, inflamed skin, sagging, and enlarged pores.

By acting as water reservoirs, Skinboosters absorb and retain moisture, providing long-term hydration. They can also assist in reversing UV damage and improving skin texture and elasticity through collagen and elastin stimulation, resulting in a more radiant appearance.

For inquiries about face, hair, eye, or body concerns—such as pigmentation, acne scars, hair thinning, dark circles, or cellulite—feel free to reach out. Submit your enquiry below, and our team will get back to you soon!