What are Eye Bags?
Eyebags can be unsightly if they get out of control. Not to be confused with dark eye circles, eyebags are the outpouching of the skin just under the eyes.
Some common home remedies
Before trying aesthetic methods, some of us would like to give home remedies a shot. Some of these remedies include alleviating allergies, limiting salt intake , having good sleeping habits. As for aesthetic methods, fillers can help by “blending “ and “masking “ the under eye fats that causes eyebags by restoring the vital malar (cheek) area volume. Threadlifts are another method of lifting eye bags which requires the insertion of threads to tighten the sagging skin. In surgery, the orbital fats that causes eyebags are either sucked out or repositioned.
Can threads reduce my eyebags and give me a youthful look?
At The Chelsea Clinic, the answer is yes! Eye bag removal can be done using different the services we offer.
Causes of eyebags
As the saying goes, “The eyes are the mirror to the soul”. Fatigued eyes or prominent eyebags will not reflect well on your youthfulness. As the skin around the eyes is fragile and thin, it is susceptible to a variety of things that can cause their dreadful eyebags. Eyebags are formed from the herniation or protrusion of the intra-orbtal fats. This happens when we grow older and when our skin looses its elasticity and collagen. the thinner skin is unable to hold in the fats this leading to the bulging out of the eyebags fats. While topical creams and changing lifestyle habits may help to some extent, some might turn to PDO threads for an eye bags treatment fix.
Some other causes of eyebags are:
- Eye bags can be transient due to water accumulation under the eye from allergies
- Excessive salt
- The way we sleep can also cause a positional shift due to gravity.
- Permanent eye bags are usually caused by age when the structures around the eye weaken and sag thereby exposing the fat under the eye.
What is the solution?
Nicknamed as a “lunchtime” procedure, eyebag removal uses a thread lift to tighten sagging skin around the eyebag. Implanted into the sub-dermal skin, collagen production is hence stimulated and the skin becomes firmer, elastic and moisturized. N-Scaffold PDO threads from Korean company N-finders are the preferential threads in The Chelsea Clinic. Unlike the existing mono and cog products, it has a structure of fine threads braided in a complex form. Despite its complex form, it can be applied non-invasively and can be expected to bring high patient satisfaction. Numbing cream and local anaesthetic are used before the doctor inserts PDO threads under the skin to a depth of about 3-5 millimetres, creating an immediate lifting effect.

Once these threads are firmly in place like a template, the doctor will proceed to reshaping the tissue by hand so as to obtain the desired lifting effect below the eyes. The non-inserted ends of the threads are then cut off. Due to the liposis effect, the eyes are lifted, hence pushing back eye bags. After the treatment, the fibrin that appears from wound healing response connects the gaps between PDO and activates cellular rejuvenation. Eyebag threadlifts usually require 10-12 mono-trait threads depending on the needs of the patient. Results peak a month after the eyebags treatment.

What threads are used?
1) Scaffold threads are the preferred threads for the cheek and eye bag area to push collagen growth to push in the eyebags.
2) Derma eyespring threads (finer in nature) are used in the eye bag itself to cause a lipolysis effect which leads to an actual reduction of the eyebag fats.
Benefits of thread lifts.
- Absorbable threads
- Threads are not visible
- No incision or cuts
- Local anaesthetics
- Short recovery time and little self care needed
- Procedure is repeatable
- After a period of time, threads are completely absorbed
- Rare complications
The final effect is tightening and lifting of sagging areas of tissue and skin. Common problems like puffiness and dark circles are also improved with the proper types of threads used.
How long do threads last for?
The visible benefits of eyebag threadlifts can last between 12-18 months after eyebags treatment.
Who will be suitable for under eye thread lifts?
Threadlift is normally suitable for most people over the age of 25 where ageing starts to become noticeable. Under eye threadlifts are usually recommended as an effective alternative to surgical and invasive options when considering eyebag reduction treatments. The effects of PDO threads will be obvious in patients with thinner lower eye skin as compared to those with thicker skin which may weigh the threads down.
What are the other non-surgical eye bags treatments if threads are not suitable for me?
- Ultherapy
- Thermage
- Sygmalift
Besides eyebags, which other areas can be treated?
- Brow lift and edges of the eyebrow
- Sagging or droopy lower eyebrows
- Dark circles or puffy eyes
- Face thread lift (for a sharper v-shaped face)
Why choose The Chelsea Clinic for thread lifts and eye bag removal treatments?
All our procedures at The Chelsea Clinic are performed by experienced aesthetic doctors who adhere to high safety standards and use only FDA-approved products. Dr Ewen Chee is also Southeast Asia’s regional trainer for threads.